Queer Uprisings

by Hazel Newlevant

Zine #31 — July 2024

"Queer Uprisings" ©Hazel Newlevant 2019

Originally published by The Nib on thenib.com.

Sources: bit.ly/queersources

"Queer Uprisings" is about some of the acts of group resistance that set the stage for the more-famous Stonewall Uprising in 1969, which we commemorate annually with Pride marches.

Hazel Newlevant is a cartoonist whose other comics include If This Be Sin, Sugar Town, and No Ivy League. They edited the comics anthologies Chainmail Bikini, Comics for Choice, and most recently Becoming Who We Are.

Join our Patreon to receive print copies of future features here, and you can listen to an interview with the author on the Strangers podcast.


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